David Dodge's Blog

A Collection of David Dodge's Pro Tips, Real Estate Related Articles, Media, Youtube & Vimeo Videos, Thoughts, Press Releases, Live Events, Growth Tools, Masterminds, Lessons & Podcasts. I even sometimes post about travel hacks and funny things that makes me laugh!

How David Dodge is leveraging 17 years of experience to inspire others

brrrr method david dodge real estate investing realestate realestate for beginner realestatetips wholesaling real estate Jan 05, 2021

“I was inspired to get into this industry for a few reasons,” David Dodge says of his foray into the real estate industry.

“I wanted passive income and tax advantages, but I also wanted to be my own boss. I wanted to have the freedom to travel and do what I wanted to do on my own timeframe!”

Today, David has done exactly that. With over 17 years of experience, and has wholesaled over 500 houses to date, David is passionate about sharing his story with aspiring entrepreneurs.

To that end, his podcast, “Discount Property Investor”, teaches people all the ins and outs of wholesaling real estate, along with tips and tricks for marketing, landlording, and rehabbing properties.

He has also co-authored three books with his business partner Mike Slane. His goal? Creating value. He explains, “For most people, the biggest challenge is capital. However, I believe that capital follows value.  Most people are not creating enough value with their businesses and that’s why they are always seeking more capital.”

Full Article Here: www.vanguardngr.com


Leveraging Assets and the BRRRR Method for Wealth Building

Dec 28, 2023

Empower Your Business: The Art of Building a Strategic Team

Jan 07, 2024

Rethinking Failure: Is It Really a Necessity?

Dec 08, 2023